How much time is 'tolerated' depends on what the audience is doing.
If the crowd is only listening to (background) music longer periods are fine, but dancing people allow only some seconds (15?). At least in the Netherlands, dancing couples leave the dance-floor as soon as it takes too long before the next song comes.

On stage we have NO fixed song-blocks with the same songs in it, but decide on the fly what the next song will be : We communicate the song-number.... (1 - 200)

The Music Finder is a great tool to find the right style to a song... at home.
On stage however the searching in the list is just too much 'Human CPU-load' taking and NOT the fastest/easiest way IMHO.

I own the Tyros for a month or so and find the Registration Memory (Scott, almost KN alike) very easy and quick.

It took me a week, but tonight I finished converting our current repertoir (200 songs)from SD1 to Tyros equivalents.

The result: about 24 banks (blocks), with 8 presets each. Selecting the right Block & preset# takes a max of 5 seconds.... and ready for the next song !!
A bunch of (selectable) parameters are saved with it : e.g. Intro, transpose, multipads etc.

I wrote down the block# and preset# to every separate song in our songbook.

This weekend we'll gig without Sd1, but with the TYROS. Wietse my singer will be surprised for sure..... he has not heard one single note from this Yammie


[This message has been edited by Roel (edited 03-25-2005).]