WOW did my original post go around the block a few times or what!

(Scott, actually I did not make up my mind in just one day. I have been thinking about getting a Tyros for a year.)

I picked up the 2100 last summer because I was SO impressed with what it offers for the price. But after reading the glowing reports here and visiting the store to play the Ty one more time, I took the plunge...the price was good too - $2499 (twice, not three times the price of the 2100) Now I need to sell the 2100 and my VA7. You won't believe this, but guess what I'm playing my Tyros thru...
My KN7000! Sounds great, too. Now you know why I've been accused of having GAS (gear aquisition syndrome) Scott, you're right about another thing...keyboards are only tools. They are only as good as the player who plays them. I've got a long way to go to master these boards and make them sing...but the trip will be fun!

Tim Schaeffer

YAMAHA CVP-509 / Korg Pa300