Hi Denny. Thanks for your response. You make a Good suggestion, but unfortunately, saving a 'lowered bass volume' in Registration Memory also saves the associated 'style' with it, which I DON'T want, because I want to be able to use the Tyros Music Finder database to freely select different songs, all utilizing - DIFFERENT preset styles, yet still have the bass volume for 'ALL Styles' lowered.

Terry, THANKS for the EXCELLENT suggestion. Though I'm not very experienced or well versed in the way the Tyros EQ settings & Compression work, I'll try experimenting with these settings. In the meantime, perhaps someone else more experienced might offer some specific Tyros EQ and/or Compression settings which they've discovered which actually WORK to alleviate the overly accentuated BASS frequencies that I'm complaining about. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I guess it's off to the Tyros manual now to read up on all this.

- Scott