Everyone has given some excellant ideas, ones that were used starting with my early band days.

I did want to state what I have experienced with my web site.

I felt a good web site in today's age would be a very good thing to do. My thought was mainly either when talking to a new client by phone or in giving a business card with my web site listed and clearly mentioning on the card there was a web site demo that this could be a very fast and easy way to be heard in a world when people who want info want it fast. Especially considering that a lot of people including musicians and even including musicians who play workstations have no clue what it is we do or what we can sound like on arranger keyboards.

As it turns out, most of my gigs have come about because of my web site.

I have gotten many gigs through a sax player who is prominently known in this area and is kind of like the Lester Lanin of the panhandle. I gave him a card, he heard what I could do and has used me as a solo, duo, trio, quintet and big band.

Also, just recently I have become the first call entertainment for a five star restaurant where I have played a few times now already for brunches and will be used whenever they have brunches, wine tasting parties or similar special events in the future. In this case they found my site through a link on the local jazz society. The guy listened to my stuff, knew everything about me from the bio, knew where I had played etc.

So if you plan to use a web site, I'd suggest finding appropriate sites where you can have your link or where they agree to a cross link putting their link on your site.

Scott http://ScottLMusic.com