Dear Tony;

About your comment about The lack of sampler in the G70. I to agree that roland should have at least offered it as an option, thus allowing those who require or want its capabilities could have it installed. Also, the aftermarket sampling disks that you refer to I do not believe can be used on the G-70. This is due to the fact that the roland does not have a sample reader on-board. This differs from the Korg in that it has onboard software that enable it to read various sample formates (i.e. akiai,wav,aiff,korg) Also one can actually record your on samples on the machine via Mic out. So the avenue of playing aftermaket pre-made samples is closed to the g-70.

Secondly, there is not enough on board memmory, since roland did not incorporate a HD on the G-70.

I think Rolands response to lack of sample decoding capability is to buy their sound bank modules (SRX-wave boards).
