Thanks Paolo for your answers. Odd to learn that while the USB to removeable device (memory stick) speed is hi speed 2.0, the PA800's USB to host connector to PC remains a slow 1.0 USB speed. I'm baffled why Korg couldn't simpy incorporate USB 2.0 throughout, affording faster transfer, and backup of files from the PA800 HD to/from PC.

Though I'm disappointed that it appears there is no alternative to pressing the touchscreen itself, if the touch screen accuracy is improved over prior kb touchscreen makes/models, I'm hoping the PA800's higher screen resolution, brightness, and the fact that it's color will compensate for it.

Hope you guys don't mind another IMPORTANT Korg PA800 Question:

What is the PA800's onboard Sequencer's maximum ppq (parts/quarter note) resolution? Oddly enough I could find NO MENTION of this important spec in the PA800 User's Manual.

A keyboard's onboard sequencer's maximum (ppq) resolution directly affectd how accurately an original midi performance recorded is reproduced when played back. My Tyros2's sequencer supports a maximum resolution of 1,920 ppq, yet the Korg 01W/FD synth I owned years ago only supported a maximum of 96 ppq, of which (to my ears) is not good enough to accurately capture the spark of the original performance, including subtle expressive playing nuances. I hope that the PA800, supports a much higher maximum (unquantized) sequencer resolution than a mere 96 ppq.

Thanks in advance for any information on what the PA800's Sequencer maximmum ppq 'timing resolution' is.


PS: here a couple of other threads I posted on this topic several years ago: