I've been using the MPP for about 2 years. I use it exclusively for lyrics. I wish I didn’t need it at all but since I play a variety of venues, it’s good to be able to call up the lyrics I need with a touch of the screen. I especially like the ‘playlist’ feature. An example – tomorrow I have a stand up show that will include tunes from country to early rock. I made a ‘playlist to correspond with my keyboard registrations/jukebox. I’m able to make a set ‘playlist’ for the several tunes that I for which I need the lyrics. I just touch the screen to “turn the page” (can also be done with a foot pedal). Thursday, it’s night of Italian music – songs performed in Italian. I know that the first hour is kind of quite dinner music so I have a ‘playlist’ and jukebox list for that. After the vino kicks in, it’s more of a party atmosphere and I have corresponding lists – up to 100 tunes per list – all available with the touch of the screen. Upcoming is a gig which calls for mostly oldies dance music and after that a gig with light cocktail jazz and show tunes. Special holiday music I have on a memory stick for when I need it. Like anyone who has been playing for a while, I can pretty much anticipate requests and have the lyrics of those tunes I don’t have memorized planted in a couple of the other ‘playlists’. What’s in the MPP corresponds to about a half dozen binders. If you incorporate memory sticks/thumb drives, the possibilities are unlimited. The unit has a very low profile, and it can be read a line or two at a time and allow me to make eye contact with an audience much like a news reader with a prompter.