Originally posted by Ensnareyou:
The appropriate thing to do would have been to never post this to the NET. The business between you and your client is exactly that, your business not anyone else's. Posting a personal e-mail from your client to you on the NET is not only rude, it shows a lack of respect on your part for him. Does your client know that you posted his personal e-mail on the NET? I'll bet if he did you wouldn't have to ponder what you need to do in this situation, he'd make the decision for you and never use your services again. His e-mail spelled things out quite clearly for you and he was being quite nice to you. In return what you did was simply wrong.

In my business I have many high profile clients... If I ever posted anything personal from them as you did it would kill my business. What you did shows a complete lack of tact on your part. I guess if that works for you great, but I believe good business is built on trust.

Bill I have to agree totally with this reply...I personally would never discuss business openly anywhere...its been my rule for 35+ years. I'd hate to see you learn the hard way. As a professional I'm sure you know what to do.

Happy Holiday.