Originally posted by jeremy_norbury:
Scott - those are very broad brush strokes you are making there...and I have to say I do not share your sentiments. . . Both my sons have chosen to learn "conventional" musical instruments - Sax and Acoustic Guitar. And both really like it. I never pushed them into these instruments and I was prepared to essentially allow them to learn any instrument they wanted. Their music-school, run by the local council, has a waiting list for the sax, flute, piano and guitar.

Jermemy: I think it's TERRIFIC to hear that both your kids are enjoying learning to play a musical instrument, but ....

The KEY difference between your situation and so many other families (especially many here in the US) is that music is increasingly less stressed, and even dropped from the school cirruculum altogether. Luckily, because you're a musician yourself, your sons have gotten a lot of EXPOSURE to both 'your' type of music, as well as contemporary music of today, as well as attend a school which actually 'includes' a dedicated music program. Unfortuantely, this is NOT the case with many (most?) families today, and many kids are given no exposure to develop an appreciation for music other than rap/hip hop. - Scott