Today I got my PSR1000 which is essentially have the same basic sounds as PSR2000. I would like to trade up to PSR2000 but after trying PA80 for two weeks, I noticed considerable differences between the two. These are CONSIDERABLE !!

I use it for live play with manual bass. I use basic sounds such as piano, bass, strings, brass and sax. Also, most of the time I just use the internal speakers are sufficient.

Right away, I feel the keys action are a lot lighter and much worse than PA80. It is the worst feeling I got.

Also, the sounds are thinner compared to the PA80.

But I cannot stand the awkwardness to access various functions on the PA80.

So, my choice is to get PA80 or PA60 since it has much better sounds and key action although awkward operation.

OR get PSR2000 and missing out on all the great sounds and key feel of the KORG.

Why can't somebody sell me a keyboard that has all the good features ???

This is killing me...