Another point about the display, Color screens or touch screens add more cost to the bottom line of the instrument. The display works, and makes it easy to get around on the instrument with easy.

Yeah, you are right. But I have to conclude that other manifacturers succeed in producing a workstation for the same price as a Genesys, with colour / touchscreen. And I don't believe that GEM eg has very expensive buttons or something.

If you don't like a sound, add one you do like, Illio, or Spectrosonics have some incredible sounds you can load into the instrument. The best part about it, is that the whole instrument works on Flash Ram, so when you load the sound in the instrument, you will not have to re-load it, just because you turned off the instrument...

I presume that you mix two different functions. On one hand you have battery backed RAM, which stores the samples you load into it. The WK4 had it also; it is a great function, I use the 8MB backed in my Equinox for the PRO piano samples; but it is far from new. On the other hand you have Flash memory, which allows you to load a new version of the OS. For example, the last update for the Equinox, which is still the GEM synthesizer flagship dates 11/10/2000 (> 2 years ago). Flame intended GEM!!!!!!! The WK8 also has the function which allows GEM updates to modify/add styles and sounds in the Flash part.

So, the user can only load samples in the RAM part; GEM also has acces to the Flash memory. These are two different things.

Oh, one more thing about the MIDI file loading thing. You are right about the avarage user not editing a MIDI file alot. But is editing the MIDI file in the sequencer much harder than in the WKx? Hope not.

Who in this group wants to buy the thing? I hear alot of critics, and no really enthousiastic reactions. Why not?
I think I'll stick with my Equinox and WK4 - www.jukeboxband.com