Hi All,

I stated a little while back that I had writers block!! Well I'm not sure it is over with this effort but we shall see. When I (used to) write it usually comes quite quickly when I have an idea but this really has been a labour (or a labor depending on which side of the pond you are on ).

I'm still not entirely happy with it. I thought of cutting the bridge out altogether and going straight to the last chorus after the second verse but thought I would post it first and see what you guys think.

I think it a little long (and durge like! ) so chopping bits may help with that. All comments really (really) appreciated.

Lastly I had real trouble singing this. I intended it to build up to a powerful ballad type end in the chorus but I have not got the voice for that. If any of you real singers wants to sing it how it should be sung I would be honoured (and delighted.) I know how it sounds in my head but I can't translate that to my voice.

Ok here it is ..... see what you think.....
A Little Time For Me

Oh and lastly (properly lastly ) I wrote it about a 'friend' of mine, who for once has given ME something in that she annoyed me enough to inspire me to write again!
Best wishes and thanks
