I don't remember exactly how it worked in the older versions Musikman, but I don't think the earlier versions used the cakewalk type .ins files. I now have version 6, which does use the ins type files. I'm not sure whether vers 5 does or does not.

The file that you linked to in your last post appears to be the proper cakewalk ins file for the Trinity. It appears that there are three seperate ins files though. One for combinations, one for regular patches, and one for drums. You could probably open each of them up in notepad, and then copy and paste all of the data from one to the other, and then save it as a new ins file. You would need to do this becaue it appears that OMB will only recognize the default ins file ( named OMB.ins - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here Joe or anyone else ).

I had done something like this when making Jammer Pro device files for my PA80 and Motif. Not all the data was correct from the ins file, because a jammer dev file uses a different format, but at least I was able to copy the instrument names from the ins file, which saved me from having to type that part of the data in. In your case, since you will still wind up with an .ins file at to use, all the data should be correct.. It's just a simple matter of copy and paste.

Once you get the required data into one .insfile, all you would have to do is to open the OMB folder, and find the file named OMB.ins . ifm you want to, simply copy this file and save it in another folder for safe keeping should you ever want to reinstall it, and then delete the original OMB.ins file from the OMB folder.

Then take the Trinity .ins file, place it into the OMB folder, and rename it OMB.ins file, and it should work just fine. If your version does not have the OMB .ins file in it, it would be well worth it to move up to vers 6.

As far as Joe making the .ins files available at his website,.. I won't speculate as to whether he should or shouldn't do that or whether there might even be legal reasons that would prevent him from doing it, but my experience with Joe is that he has taken several suggestions from myself and from other users, and incorporated them into later releases of his software. he is very responsive and has made many upgrades based upon user requests.

BTW, I think there is an .ins file available for just about any modern day synth out there. All one has to do is look a little.

Good Luck
