Monday I ordered the KORG Pa500 from a MAJOR Music Store via PayPal. They promised it would be here by Friday or sooner, as I needed it for my weekend gigs...Mon,....Tue,...goes by
I still didn't get a shipping conformation email w/ tracking # ...... I call up customer service and they tell me they are still processing the KB??????? What?...2 days and its not shipped, paid in full?
Now I know it will never be here for the weekend unless they ship it 1,2 day air due to their delay. So the so called REP says they would CANCEL the order, and REORDER it with overnight Air shipping for the inconvenience. After they cancel the original order, they say because it was done via PayPal they cannot transfer the funds to the NEW order but I would have to WAIT THREE MORE DAYS for them to REFUND the Funds into my PAPAL account so I can REORDER the unit, I have been on the phone with customer service 5 times so far..!!!!
I don't want to mention the company at this time, but I will NEVER deal with them again. mad mad mad mad mad ......I will still be getting a KORG KB, but definitely Not from these be continued!

dp korg  shirt .JPG

Edited by Dnj (02/15/12 07:10 AM)