We had a packed house last night ...standing room ...out into the streets..

Some where there for "Just in Time"..others for the "drop ins" after the out door "oldies show" in Wildwood..

And many where there for a falling ill house band member..benefit..

Some of the highlights ...

Junior Pirollo and the 4 jays (By love possessed)

Billy Carlucci (The Essentials..Maybe you'll be there}

Jimmy dupree {You belong to me}

Mickey D (Owner and promoter of the Oldie shows}and the regular house keyboardists Joey...with special sit in on drums..Radio personality Patty Lantazzi..she really cooked on drums..and even hotter to look at..

One of my old girls (worked with me when she was 25..in 1993-95..My group was the Michaels trio...My two girls were both name Michaels)..Debra Michaels( my guest) went on and recorded several charted songs..My other Mychaels girl , Andrea is with the highly successful band Big City..Both are very talented..

Debra sang with her current musical partner Trish..

Another late drop in was a old dude that sang a song called Volare..the people all seemed to know the guy..

BTW: not a single "drop in" requested, or had a CD with them...Good thing "oldies" are my bag..and we did songs I knew..Nice to have Patty on Drums..Joey kicking bass pedals and plenty of mics to keep the jam going..

We ran out of time..there were many other great singers waiting..and a couple players too..

G1000 still can cover the bases..especially with Patty on drums and Joey on bass pedals..

Every Sunday for the summer..stop on in..!!!

[This message has been edited by Fran Carango (edited 07-14-2008).]