Last week I was in Kalamazoo MI (the original home of Gibson) at a school for 4 days. In my spare time I visited a Lowrey store. I was curious because I used to service Lowreys about the time the MX-1 came out.
I played the Lowrey Rhapsody. I must say what a disappointment. Not counting the two manuals and pedals but only comparing sounds and styles, I think my Tyros running through my Logitech Z2200s beat it hands down. Granted it is much easier to mix sounds when you have stops to push but everything I heard could be duplicated on the Tyros. Styles and drums were better on the Tyros. Flutes (organs) woodwinds, brass, and guitars were better on the Tyros. I did like the flexibility of the Lowrey OTS. The Lowery did have a music finder database and MIDI but all in all I found little or no improvement over the MX-1 of twenty + years ago.

I know the Lowrey must cost thousands more than a Tyros and Logitech speakers.

