Originally posted by Monarke:
Also to mention Dennis Houlihan use to play organ for Lowrey in the 1970s. I have music tracks from a piece of vinyl where Dennis plays the Lowrey H25R-1 or H25R-3 not sure exactly which. Also the photo of him on the back is with with long sideburns, something he found quite amusing when I showed him the record at NAMM one year...

I used to work for Gray Audio Visual who handled all the AV requirements for Norlin in the 70s. Dennis Houlihan was a regular visitor to our premises and I remember late nights sorting Lowrey slides with Dennis. We produced and ran multiprojector slide shows launching new Lowrey organs as well as shows explaining the features of the various models. Harry Stoneham used to demo the organs at the shows. Dave Smith was another organist who demo'd Lowreys. I remember many fun times wiht those two in the hotel bars of wherever we were staying at the time. We did shows in Frankfurt, Utrecht, Milan, some in London and also NAMM in Chicago. We even had the amazing Les Paul playing on the Norlin stand at Frankfurt one year. I'll never forget that show.
Gray Audio Visual did the launch of the MX1 in London.