New idea for the Tyros 2 -- the way its going right now, maybe they'll hold up production a little longer to incoporate this idea!

I think they should incorporate expansion slots in the Ty for Yamaha plug in boards (or better yet the Roland SRXes. But I guess I should be realistic).

In addition, they should have the option to plug in a breath controller which we could buy for an extra $70.

Both of these options are very practical, as they exist on the Motif series -- but they would not in any way harm the Motif! Anyone who is looking for a full blown workstation would never by a Ty - as it does not have enough high quality sounds etc. But anyone who does have a Ty, and is prepared to pay the extra 250 - 300 dollars per card, would be able to take advantage of at least some of Yamaha's better sound technology.

With the breath controller too -- this would really add an edge in performances, and would be used differently than with the Motif.

I think that both of these ideas would be within Yamaha's interests, as it would encourage sales of the Tyros (with no loss to the Motif), their plug in boards (which are now lacking, but with the addition of the Arranger market would hopefully take off), and their breath controllers!!!

Also, this could be the difference between the Tyros and the "3000" - their semi-pro arranger. Instead of making an identical board in a less stylish case and minus a HD - they could minus off these options as well. Once again this would work well for Yamaha. Anyone who is serious about their performances would not be able to skimp on the cheaper model - but anyone looking for a semipro arranger for a great price - would have one available!!

Yamaha, you guys listening?
