Hi, I am new on this forum.

I am going to buy a kb, and Yamaha PSR2000 is the the first one in my mind. But there is something I don’t like on PSR: its styles. I see them very simple arrangements, usually only 1 or 2 bars loop, the four variations are no real variations for my ears (I don’t see real difference between them).

At the end, I love PSR2000, but I prefer Roland, Technics or Korg styles... It is a pity, the perfect keyboard don’t exist.

I know Roland and Korg styles may be converted for Yamaha kb, but I have a question for you, expert keyboard players

How good is that conversion? May I hope those converted styles will sound on yamaha as well as on Roland or Korg kbs? Will these more complex and rich styles have similar complexity and richness on yamaha PSR? If they have 8 bars loop, will they have similar 8 bars on yamaha PSR?

Please, help me to decide. If your answer is yes, probably I will buy PSR. If not, .... I will think it more, because styles are very important for me.
