Just got a Motif XF6 a few weeks ago and have it connected via MIDI to my Tyros 3. I use the Motif as the Master Keyboard playing Motif and Tyros sounds. This combination has been a revelation. The apparent weaknesses,IMHO, in the T3 are more than compensated for by the Motif. The ease of creating backing tracks and accompaniments is,IMHO, easier to do on the Motif than creating new Styles on the T3.

The Motif included 512 Performances and I have played through them all, created a favorites list (more than 400) and am in the process of editing each. With the thousands of Arpeggios, and the exceptionally deep Voice, Performance and Part editing and over 1000 voices I have a mind-boggling number of permutations. Using Performance Mode I can create 4 part accompaniments that I combine with T3 voices. In song mode I can have 16 part arrangements. I can even use T3 intros and endings. Or I can use T3 Styles with Motif voices, etc.

Plus the Motif has a different sound than the T3 and in some a areas the sound is superior to T3: Drums, Bass, Piano, Strings and other Orchestral voices, Electric Pianos for example. This is really exciting. I can strongly recommend this combination.

Tyros 3, Motif XF6, Quad Amp/Pre-Amp/DAC, Quad Monitors, Tascam Digital Recorder