Hello all. I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time while I saved coin for an arranger keyboard. Time has come to belly up to the bar and acquire a board. The problem is that the only type boards I can find around my neck of the woods are low-end beginner type boards. And, although I am a low-end beginner type player, I want to get a high-end board. Don't ask why.

So, what to get? Based solely on Internet demos, my preferences are (in order), G70, PA1X or Pro or PA800, Tyros 2. I would like to acquire such board for Christmas, so the PA800 might not be available???

I would ask what is the "best" board, but I know that won't work on this forum as angst seems to take control. Go figure. So, I guess I'd like to ask what are the characteristics of each product line? Such as, which board would be most reliable, how often are software upgrades provided, which boards are most flexible, which might be best suited for a newbie, etc.

Another approach would be to ask what are the nuances of each board that might be helpful in guiding one's selection.

As you can see, I pretty much have zero idea of what to ask, but somewhere, someone out there might have a good thought to share with this poor soul?

I might also add that such acquisition would be for a hobbyist. Ages ago I taught myself how to hit keys and make noise, and make no mistake, I make noise, not music....but then again, beauty is in the eye (ears) of the beholder, right?

Anyone care to weigh in with a response? I'm all ears...and thumbs. Thanks.