Hi To All,
This is my first attempt at Real Time Recording and Punch Recording, and I have a question. Let me set up the scenario: I have recorded a track of my song using just piano. On top of that I have added my other tracks with various instruments. However, when I recorded the piano track, my fingers weren't paying attention to the melody of the music and did their own thing --- alright, I admit, there were three places in the music that my fingers didn't mind! I went back and Punch Recorded over all three mistakes. One of the mistakes starts where I have a block chord on beat one in the bass. -- Keep in mind, the error was in the melody. Now when I play my song back, the notes in the melody are corrected, but at the beginning of the measure I hear that block chord played twice. First a quick chord, then the longer duration chord. I know that I can go in and edit it out, but wonder what caused this. Is it common when punch recording? Is it a timing issue where on the initial recording I was ahead of the beat to begin with? Can somebody explain this to me so I don't make the same mistake again?

[This message has been edited by Sissle (edited 01-23-2002).]