Keynote Publications at solely publishes and markets Alec Pagida's "How Do I Do That" extended manual along with the Hard Drive Extended Manuals. The cost of the manual in US dollars is $49.95 and includes postage in the US and its territories. Outside of the
US, the cost is still $49.95 US dollars with additional postage of $5.00. The customer pays a total $54.95 in US currency. You can e-mail me with your phone number and a time to call. We will take your card information over the phone and ask that you send us your shipping address via email to be sure of an accurate sent to address. Our international credit card company will have your bank convert that amount to us in US dollars. Your bank will make the proper deduction and exchange based on your country international exchange. Most banks do not charge for currency exchange on credit cards. To be sure you may want to check with your credit card company. If you do not want to use a credit card you can send me an international bank check for $54.95 to Keynote Publications.

Check out our site for the mailing address.
We have many satisfied customers from Alaska to the tip of Maine in the US and from Australia to Switzerland. I hope you become
one of them.

Walt Tenay
Keynote Publications.

[This message has been edited by Walt Tenay (edited 02-03-2002).]