I'm learning more & more then I knew yesterday with the SD7 and it sounds so good. I have been tweaking each variation of different styles one at a time eg: Intos, Variations, Endings, one by one...BUT, Now Don Mason showed me that by using the "Global" Tab feature in the editing window allows me to make changes to sounds, perimeters, Vol, Efx, etc, and when this tab is activated it will change ALL your edits ON ALL PARTS so you don't have to adjust EACH part independently saving so much time. Great Feature!
I also found out how to change lyrics Background Color, Font, Text Size. A cool feature on the SD7 is that you can change text size just by using you fingers just like you do on your cell phone or tablet by spreading your two fingers in real Time or by tapping the screen twice also.. And the Lyrics is so readable on this Bright BIG Display.