There are about three audio styles I use. They sound good. They sound a little better than most of the midi styles, but not so much different that they sound out of place.
I'm pretty happy with the midi styles anyway, and they can be extensively edited. Many of them come to life if you change to the Real Drum kit.
Deane, if you set up a Registration Bank for each song, and name it accordingly, they automatically sort alphabetically and you can instantly call up the list, and have your song loaded in a second or so.
I put all the settings for the song I want on Memory 1. On the other memories, if not needed for the song, I put seven of my favorite sounds. I set the Registration Freeze to only allow the memories to change Sound when it's on. I load a Bank, press one, press Freeze and I'm ready to go with all the settings for the song I want to play, including text file, plus instant access to seven more sounds, plus the OTS settings.
In some ways, I even prefer this to Songbook on Korg. It's the first time I ever took the time to do it this way.
You can even use an external Registration Editor to make set up easier if you want.