The problem is that when using the lead effects of, for example, overdrive or distortion, the left hand volumes (bass, drums, accompaniment) shoot WAY up, abnormally up, and their volume became constant, not able to be controlled by the volume pedal as it normally is, while the right hand responded normally to the volume pedal. Swell effect is off, so pedal should control all volumes. In addition, changing the lead instrument (say from organ to sax) or taking off the effect put all volumes on the pedal again and of normal intensity. Anyone else had this problem?

[This message has been edited by Jimgansett (edited 06-21-2008).]

[This message has been edited by Jimgansett (edited 06-21-2008).]

[This message has been edited by Jimgansett (edited 06-21-2008).]