Hi Tony.
Yeah the brainwave came a few years ago, but now it's time to do something more about this. It's not for a music related product at all, although I'm sure one would look very cool in a case like that.
6 years ago I presented an idea to a company I used to work for on how we could do away with every bit of paperwork and automate large proportions of the quality control and production departments. That's the basic idea, but ultimately the system does more and generates large amounts of profit. I won't bore you with all the details.
They gave me all the finances I needed and 3 years to develop the hardware and software. Which is exactly what. I built my own Panel PC's and wrote a suite of production and quality control applications that did everything promised. Within one month of the first phase of the system being implemented the company realised what I had created and so give me additional finances to build more and expand the system across two companies they owned.
Again which I did and right now the systems are running 24/7 and they have changed the way the company operates for ever.
I have since left the company but as the developer I'm obviously the only one who can maintain and update the systems so I have an on going service contract with them.
So my idea is now, find a new delivery system (the case above) and consider taking my software to other companies and rolling it out everywhere now. It's totally unique. You can't buy this kind of software anywhere else.
The only problem is I'm no sales man. A sales man is a very specific type of person who has a neck on them that's thicker than most. It's just something I can't do. Ask me to solve any problem and design anything you want, no problem. Just don't ask me to try sell that idea to someone.

[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 06-01-2010).]