I would like to thank all of the non-76 playing arranger players on this thread for bumping it up to over 180 posts. If Yamaha pay ANY attention to this forum (and I sincerely doubt it, as they aren't in the slightest interested in any opinions other than those of their existing 61 customers) at least having this thread display such legs might show them the depth of interest in it.
Makes you think, doesn't it? If those that have NO stake whatsoever in this debate had simply left it alone, it might have simply withered on the vine like most good ideas here...

I also wonder if I have got stuck in a re-run of Groundhog Day, forced to listen to the same tired arguments over and over again, no matter how many times I refute them.

Let me spell them out ONE MORE TIME. Please bookmark this page, so the next time you feel like spewing the same old arguments, you can look up this post and save yourself (and me!) some aggravation.
1. Making a 76 PSR will have NO IMPACT on whether they make a 61. Only an IDIOT wold suggest otherwise. It will also have little impact on 61 sales. Those that like them will still have them, only those that currently HAVE TO use other 76's have any stake whatsoever in this debate (kind of cuts just about ALL of you naysayers out, though, doesn't it?).
2. Yamaha HAVE changed their lines in the past. Asking them to do it is NOT asking for the impossible. They currently make several 76 arrangers. But no GOOD ones (if you consider a PSR S910 a good arranger.... anyone want to argue THAT?

). I care nothing whether it is branded DGX or PSR. Just that they make the bloody thing.
3. Yamaha made ONE TOTL 76 in the past. It failed because a) it was released well after the 61, so most customers wanting a 9000 series already had one, and b) it had an underpowered CPU, was buggy, and did not work well. NONE of which have a single thing to do with the number of keys.
4. A PSR 76 need be little heavier than a 61. Roland made an excellent 76 with speakers a scant four pounds heavier than an S910. With a MUCH better build quality, I might add. Given all the unused real estate on the T4, a 76 version need be little bigger or heavier also.
It's NOT my job to provide Yamaha with accurate market research. But there are 'truths' held very dear by some of the antagonists on this forum that have been 'proved' by as tenuous a straw poll as was held here. And quite frankly, what DO you consider a representative sampling figure? I can pretty much guarantee that, no matter how big it gets (consider how few regular posters we have here), if it disagrees with your opinion, it won't be big enough! All this thread has shown is, of those currently playing 76's here that were willing to chime in on a thread that garners SUCH vitriol from its' antagonist (none of whom have ANY stake in the issue), the majority, NOT the minority showed great interest in the product. And that is ALL that small polls can do. As I said, if Yamaha start polling ALL 76 users instead of JUST their own 61 users, they are likely to get VERY different results. That is pretty obvious...
And, I still don't get it. If Yamaha are the BEST 61 arrangers, why shouldn't their 76 arrangers be the best, also? You are actively arguing against that point. Because, at the moment, Yamaha's current 76's are NOT the best. Why would you not want them to be?
The absurdities you guys keep trotting out amaze me.