Hi Dave,
I tend to think the majority of arranger players are hobbyists like myself.
Personally I don't know how to play drums.
( don't mean physically haahaa I mean drum style patterns)
The way I put styles together is by hearing what I want ie building up from bass & drums, & auditioning assorted style tracks with a song.
Be easier dialing up phrases & auditioning along the way, than using the copy function.
With the copy function you have to leave the style creator to audition the style with the song.
As far as the Technics Easy Composer was concerned, it was really simple to use.
Would not require much studying. Unfortunately I don't think it had the option of auditioning song while in easy composer mode either.
I think it would be handy if there was an easy way to create a style.
We audition styles with songs, why not phrases. Not just for the sake of it, but if an onboard style doesn't suit, try & create one's own.
Doesn't have to be elaborate using 6cv's for each style track, korg does it reasonably well with 1cv, so does yammie.
Anyway, hypothetical, just a bit of a pipe dream of mine.
Hi rikki,
Just curious and not trying to be a smart aleck.

In the amount of time it takes to scroll through the many solo kick drum, snare, hi hat, bass and chordal phrases and stick them together into something useful, couldn't a person actually create their own personal rhythm and accompaniment tracks? The answer may be "
not if the person doesn't know how to play drums". But my thought is in the amount of time spent reading the manual and learning how to use the style creation features, one could just as easily learn how to create their own drum beats, etc. and then have a style that is totally unique.
Wm. David McMahan
JazzItUp Band
The Modulators