Yeah, this got my juices flowing, Larry... Much better than the last one, IMO.
However, I'm going to offer one criticism, if you don't mind. I think it is time to collaborate with someone about the drums. Painting by mouse is a pretty difficult way to get a good drum track in this genre, even with the S900 drum track as a starting spot. The area that blows it for me are the fills. Listen to ELO, or the Beatles (once again, you seem fairly grounded in their harmonic structure and arrangements) and try to spot two identical fills. You won't find them. Grooves, on the whole, will stay consistent, and song 'signature' fills like the opening pickup will also get played repeatedly. But you'll rarely find a fill other than those that remains the same for the song.
This is the bane of arranger production, and the reason why I always cry out for more fills from arranger manufacturers. A real drummer will take pride in making each fill musically independent, all the while fitting the song at each point. Repeated fills are the signature of automated production, and often lead to inappropriate moments. Believe it or not, a GOOD drummer will adjust his fills depending on emotional intensity, or word structure, even if only a LITTLE bit between different verses and choruses, but often quite a bit. It's their time to 'speak', to be creative, even if the groove remains constant.
So try varying those fills a bit more...
Oh, and one other thing... Your 'live' guitar playing is sitting a hair 'up' on the beat compared to the track. You might try to either relax a hair, or maybe just slide the guitar tracks 'late' just a few ms to line up with the drums. You'd be surprised at how effective that can be...
But I DID think the track very good, a strong melody and chord progression. As I so often say to those that start to get it right, it is perhaps time to stop hampering the song by using too much machine. Get a real drummer (or at least get a drummer to help in the track editing), get a real bassist, BV singers, etc., and start to do the song justice. Perhaps get a good drum library like EZ Drummer or BFD if you can't record real drums. At least then they SOUND like real drums...
Time to take it to the next level...

You're ready