Any thoughts yourself, Bill?
Anyway, from just listening to the first one...
It seems obvious that it doesn't really matter WHAT organ is being demoed (or just played, if that word is to 'hot button' for you

), it seems as though picking lead sounds mired in the seventies is part of the style..

That seems a shame, as I'm sure that there are better in the Atelier. I guess it's just taste (or lack of it!) to go for those awful (well, how would YOU describe that lead sound?) sounds.
But the drums in particular, and many of the other sounds struck me as VERY punchy, live sounding, typical Roland, etc., and, I'm sorry to say, made most Wersi efforts I've listened to seem listless in comparison.
Now, I'm just critiquing the SOUND... I've heard far better 'players' on some Wersi demos, but few of them go for that punchy sound...
But, I'm afraid to say, overall I simply wonder why anyone choses a great big honking organ to make music on, as I am confident that I (or any competent player) could EASILY equal that sound and performance on a TOTL arranger at LEAST a quarter of the price of the Atelier. Add a second manual and some MIDI pedals for little more, and you have the same capabilities for a fraction of the price. Plus portability if you need it...
But to me it seems as though the choice of sounds in these sophisticated organs isn't a result of inferior technology, but a matter of deliberate choice... And an odd one, at that