Thanks, mrdave... finally, someone who actually TRIED!
I look forward to a more detailed description of what's going on.
And leeboy... Ted seems to have forgotten that KetronAJ is posting here, knows my question, and doesn't need an email sent to Ketron to give an answer. Mind you, his only answer is 'I won't tell you. It's a secret'

I can't see how an email to Ketron would get anything different... He's their main demo-er and works VERY closely with the developers.
But AJ might have thought about what we will think when USERS finally get these in their hands and start reporting things like mrdave has. It's not like we can't easily figure this stuff out for ourselves, given one in our hands, in which case, this entire evasiveness looks far more like knee-jerk damage control than any sincere desire to preserve trade secrets. Which it WOULDN'T have if he had simply answered honestly in the first place...
Now we have to ask the question... is mrdave THAT much smarter than AJ, or has AJ deliberately chosen to withhold this information because he MIGHT not get as many pre-orders if the details of this technical sleight of hand were made public? Personally, I think that AJ miscalculated. I think if the thing still sounds great, most won't care. And the few that DO care will be even more resistant after getting this runaround...
I don't CARE how the thing achieves what it does, as long as it does what it is billed to do. But I HATE being led around by my nose by a salesman, when a simple honest answer would suffice.