#201836 - 06/30/00 09:26 PM
Re: my new X4 + style conversion
Junior Member
Registered: 11/28/99
Posts: 6
Hi Matias, congratulations in your Solton X4 HD?, I hope so, I got about 6 months ago my X1 HD and I never ever had any instrument like this one in 30 years, is superGREAT, now about the company EMC is a very good program, I got it around 10 months, and I used to convert styles from other brands for my (back then) roland RA95, recently I purchased a CD with styles from USB (FRANCE), but thanks to the very bad service of the mexican post office, I´m still waiting, but the demo styles that I downloaded before the order, are excelent, so check it out. My e-mail is tatodorantes@c4.com