Before this goes to the bar....(I don't drink..

And I rarely talk politics..since it is usually a no win situation...
Presidents are widely abused verbally..and no president has been knocked more than our previous president..not even Clinton, who set the worst example of any president ever..
Of course Bush had 8 years to pile up the abuse....but Obama only has 2 years so far..but before his term is up..he will get his share...
Education levels are not the only measuring stick..almost in any field without experience can be a failure..
Personally I believe Obama surrounded himself with poor cabinet selections..
Keep in mind it was a close election ..with the youth (less experience youth) casting the votes that put Obama in office..
So there are just as many folks that did not think Obama was the right choice...just as many that "thought" he was..
On top of that folks wanted to be part of the generation that voted in a Black president..or what almost was..a woman president...Maybe the wrong concept to elect?
Now many people think we are going down a road ..we do not want to go...and it doesn't take two Ivy league degrees to understand what we are doing is simply dumb...and destroying our children and grand children's future..
Many of the policies that Obama has endorsed and pushed ..I believe the majority of folks do not want..People I have talked to..believe this administration is taking our country into disaster...
I believe that the election results, are saying something to the political parties...we the people..means that they work for us..People should have the right to speak out and voice their opinions..just as they did in previous administrations..
So I will voice mine...If things remain ..heading in the direction they are..I look forward to a change ..again..Give me the woman president.. 2012..