#194949 - 04/27/05 02:13 PM
At last, I am posting a song,... Harlem Nocturne
Senior Member
Registered: 08/22/04
Posts: 1457
Loc: Athens, Greece
After listening to efforts made from you, I decided to post something myself, well, here it is. Harlem Nocturne http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/trident/harlemnocturne.mp3 If for any reason you can't download, please go to http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/trident and then download manually Casio CTK-750, Style 038 Chicago Blues played via Hyper Canvas, Tempo: 73, Lead: Luxonix Ravity (S) Velo Tenor Sax -1 octave. Recorded "live" in one take, errors are noticeable. I use only three chords, Gmin, Cmin, Dmaj, don't know if anymore are needed. Thanks for taking the time to listen. Theodore
#194952 - 04/27/05 02:36 PM
Re: At last, I am posting a song,... Harlem Nocturne
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
Theodore, I am glad that on this Forum we are finally discussing music again!  Speaking of the song you posted, I have to say that I don't like much the style you choosed, because it's maybe too "heavy"; furthermore, I think that you should change the drum set you used, because that snare is a bit loud and annoying. Have you tried with a brush kit?  I have, on the other hand, to say that the Tenor Sax sounded really good and had the right amount of "guts". Speaking finally of the "player"  , I think that you rendition was flawless, with the right amount of feeling. I am sure that you could add some "embellishments", like a 9th here and there, but since I don't know this song well I will leave this kind of comments to somebody else. All in all, a very good rendition! Efxaristò Kali emera! Andrea (a "greek" name!) 
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#194955 - 04/27/05 03:58 PM
Re: At last, I am posting a song,... Harlem Nocturne
Senior Member
Registered: 08/22/04
Posts: 1457
Loc: Athens, Greece
Tony, right now I am uploading a second file to http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/trident called harlem3.mp3 It is the same source encoded with another mp3 encoder, maybe this will work, quality is probably the same as before. Keyboardcrapers thanks Dreamer This is the only style I have that fits well with the song, maybe i could cancel one of the accompaniment tracks. Unfortunately, my keyboard sends patch chages every time i push a variation button, so even if i choose a brush drums patch, after the end of the intro, it will instruct HyperCanvas to change to default again. Another problem is that if I try to put a 9th in there, half the song would pass and still I would be stuck trying to position my fingers for the chord change  I can only play by ear. Thanks for the comments