Hi, I've been looking into getting a Triton Pro X. I have a normal piano and a Yamaha Clavinova but the Yamaha just doesn't do it for concerts...it has some awesome piano sounds but I need something that can move...also looking for sampling capabilities.
One of the bands that I'm in wants me to use the keyboard to do loops and samples. I'm not too familiar with sampling as of right now. There is one song by U2 called Elevation that uses a loop that sounds much like a sonar ping throughout the song...doesn't anyone know if the Triton would be capable of doing this and if so how.

I've been reading up on this keyboard for months and I've been going down to guitar center every couple of weeks to play on it since I won't be able to get it for a couple more months but it looks and sounds awesome.

I was quite impressed by the Organ sounds on it. One thing that is a must is a good B3 sound out of it.
I've been playing on a Korg N264 for awhile and one thing that I don't like besides the non waitedkeys is the fact that the piano sounds suck but I always compensated with that by using a combo called PowerKeys with had an awesome sound that really filled in.
Does the triton have the PowerKeys sound on it or will it be possible to sample from one keyboard over to the other?

Sorry for all the questions but I just found this board today and it looks like there are somepeople on here that know what they are talking about. Any comments would be most helpful.