Looking and reading the posts in the past, I think we are very critical about the sounds coming out of our synths. I think in particular the piano sounds are the most criticized. I think this is a natural conclusion since the piano is the most frequently used patch/sound in your performance... right?

Well, evaluating sound is very subjective, so I'd like to ask people to listen and judge for yourself.


This website, I've discovered has downloadable mp3 versions of the same midi file played in all different types of synths. Included in there is a Yamaha PLG150 piano board, which you can install in the 9000Pro. Downloading is a pain, but once you listen and compare, I think you can make a good personal judgement of what a good piano tone is.

Of course there are Gigasampler patches that are over 1Gb in size. They are in my opinion the best (the Eastwest Steinway one).

Tell me what you think. Download the midi file version and play it on your synth to compare your synths to these major companies.