Hi all,

I have detailed below a precedure that can edit midi files (voices/effects/levels) etc, and then save them for future recall, the precedure may look complicated, but once it has been done a few times it becomes very quick and easy. Revoicing midi files to use the panel voices really does highlight how authentic the voices on the 9000 series keyboards are. This precedure will also work on the PRO.

PSR9000 Revoicing Midi Files.

1. Select a midi file i.e press "Song 1" button and choose a midi file from LCD screen.

2. Then press the "Digital recording" button, select "Song Creator" on LCD, then "current song" option.

(the keyboard should then load the song into memory, ensure the correct midi file name is shown at the
top of the LCD screen).

3. Select the "multitrack recording" option from LCD screen.

4. Press "next page" until "setup" page is selected.

5. Press the "mixing console" button, you can then select a page in the mixing console depending
on what you wish to amend. (you can press "start" button at any time and play back the midi file while you
make live adjustments).

6.The "VOICE" page lets you revoice a file to use the panel voices (rather then XG) if you wish. While the file is playing the top part of the screen shows the currently selected voices, remember with a comercial midi
file you need to amend tracks 1-16, not the live keyboard sections. The bottom part of the screen lets you select new voices.

7. When editing is complete STOP PLAYBACK with "start/stop" button, PRESS "EXIT" button and then
select "execute"(VERY VERY IMPORTANT) on LCD screen. Press "NEXT" button, to select
"SAVE/DELETE" page, you can then overwrite existing file by selecting "SAVE", or press the "NOTEBOOK" icon to save as a new file.

8. Saving as a separate file means it's easy to do a before and after comparison.