I am hoping someone can help me with this annoying problem I have.......
I had an Akai S3000 and all my samples were saved to Zip disks that were formatted on the S3000. I have about 25 Zip disks now each containing there own folders on the disks e.g. a 'SYNTH' folder or a 'BASSGUITAR'
folder etc etc (Each disk has at least 20 folders), and within those folders are my samples and program info.
So thats fine no problem so far..................
Now I have a brand new AKAI S6000 running ver 2.0 operating system. I also
have my old Zip drive from the S3000 connected to the S6000 and another new
Zip drive connected to my PC.
Basically I share the samples with a mate and
I now want to copy all the zips for myself, so I am trying to get them onto the PC to eventually burn them to CD Rom. Obviously I cannot just copy the Zips in Windows because the Zips are S3000 formatted and windows just
prompts me saying "DO YOU WANT TO FORMAT THIS DISK NOW". So, my only
solution was to load the whole of the Zips into the Akai S6000 then resave
the information back out onto another PC formated Zip. This is of course possible as the S6000 reads S3000 formatted media, and when I resave it it will save it as WAV files etc.
I am able to load all the sounds from the Zip into the Akai no problem at
all. The problem is when I come to save them back to the PC formatted Zip
Disk. Firstly the S6000 seems to be loading all my folders together, ie
there is no longer a 'SYNTH' or a 'BASSGUITAR' folder, all the samples are
mixed in together inthe root Folder in the S6000 memory. Finally when I try to save the entire memory to disk, after it has saved about 170 samples I get an error saying
"OUT OF DIRECTORY SPACE". What the hell is this?????
There is plenty of room on the Zip drive still so why is it not saving. And
why is it not saving the folder info too??
So far the only way I have found to do it is create all the folders on the
Zip first, then load each folder one at a time into the S6000, remove the
Zip and put the PC formatted one in and save just this directory. Obviously
doing it this way will take me weeks to do all 25 Zips!!!!
Why am I getting this "Out Of Directory Space"?? It frustrating!! Can anyone
I am getting ak.sys but its not in stock for a few weeks yet

And this has
to be done my next week. So any help around my problem would be appreciated.
Please reply to my email as well as group dj@neilfearnley.co.uk
Thanks in advance