Originally posted by cgiles:
Bill, glad to hear things are going well so far. Hope your remaining concerns turn out to be minor. I went through a similar set of tests about 2-3 weeks ago and wasn't quite so lucky. Partial blockage. Being treated with medication but have to walk around with a bottle of nitro tabs (just in case). Oh well. Get well, man. chas

Thanks, Chas, you take care too! I don't know if this is a fit for you but I write this only to possible help you.

Back in 1995, the book Protein Power by the Drs. Eades was released. Up until that point, I was a health nut, eating a very low-fat diet. Even vegetarian. I experimented with different plans due to a terrible family history.

I tried the PP plan and just like the book predicted, my chol profile was the best it had ever been! I was SHOCKED. As I look back, I have wondered why I did not stick long-term. My only explanation is my dad dies and it threw me for a loop.

In January, I had chest pain and went to ER. Tests showed blockage. A stent was placed. Next six months, I did terrific. Then, in August through October of this year, pains returned. Blood pressure went up. I was 100% positive that blockage had returned.

I deduced that low-fat was not working. I remembered the book and re-read it. I went on the plan. Within one month, the pains were gone. (The current situaion is different... fainting.) Also, just last Wednesday, a doc visit confirmed that my chol profile was FANTASTIC on this low-carb diet.

So, it's something you could consider reading. There are several plans. Atkins, Protein Power, South Beach Diet, others. I, personally, like Protein Power or a mix of it with some of the thinking in South Beach Diet. To each his own, but the point is, low-fat may not be all it is cracked up to be. And low-carb, to me, is FAR easier to stick to.

Good luck to you. And if you have any chest pain, pop a nitro. Don't hesitate, it won't hurt you. If it doesn't help, they told me take up to three, spacing them out five to ten minutes between. If after three, no relief, call 911. Is that what you were told!

P.S. What do I know... consider the source, haha!

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