"That's what you get for not READING the posts you are responding to... been there, done that..."

Sorry...my bad...you played the Ion and ran through its presets in prob under an hour if that at best :P Go play the Micron / Andromeda in the first place and Ion again.

Beyond that you only brought up the Q series that...

(the sample set for the fusion is ALL NEW...so thinking about Q synths in relation to the fusion is pointless)

...( and nanopiano ). Oh but you also dumped on a mountain of you happen to own a Motif now with blah blah blah of your production setup ( or at least a setup that could be done ). So it just seems to me you have a bias to what you already own...I mean heck wasn't it a bit extreme of you to toss out "just add a few thousand of gear to a Motif" to contrast it to the Fusion we haven't played.

"But to be fair I wasn't crazy about the lack of a hands-on interface for the PLG150-AN and I shopped around for a new VA. I tried out the Alesis Ion, but for my money I liked the Novation X-Station 49 better and I bought one."

Starting to catch on when I say Yamaha doesn't have VA or real analog that competes with Alesis. Not a matter of being fair, just a matter of seeing things for what they are.

You know...I would care for your points if your site and music were a bit more reflective of your supposed taste behind your gear ( sorry just when someone speaks of hands on, then has a load of midi driven material quantized all to hell and back just seems kinda odd ). Beyond that...happy you like the Novation its a nice synth

"Since you asked, Yamaha makes the PLG150-AN analog modeling synth plug-in card for the Motif, and they also make the AN200 analog modeling synth. It's actually easier to do a Google search for Yamaha's product lines than to make bad assumptions."

I dint ask...lol and Im still under the assumption that what Yamaha offers doesn't hold a candle to efforts from Korg/Alesis/Nord and so on. Why dont you google me up some review links that say otherwise :P AN200...lol come on now. Right off less polyphony, less filter types, low rez encoders, on top of the fact the unit is more so a table top groove box its STUPID to contrast it to Ion /Micron / Andromeda ( :P even If I just sorta did :P ). Hah but if a groove box thats out of production that Yamaha dint see fit to include in their own product archives is something you wish to make your grand point with...point taken just not how you intended.

" I'm hoping the Fusion turns out better than it's predecessors "

I want it to turn out nice as well, just kinda hard for me to say "in light of its predecessors" given this is the first " workstation " Alesis has put out smirk

Funny thing here...I only brought up Alesis SYNTHS ( not romplers ), to illustrate that we could have something around the same level of their VAs with a 32track sequencer ( if Im thinking right on the 32 ). The synth engine for the Fusion is ALSO all new much like the sample set thats gonna be droped in it. Just given its been common knowledge for years that Alesis VA kicks more or less everyone to the curb ( where relative )...its not hard to extrapolate the new synth engine linked to a sequencer its sample banks user samples and 24bit recording across eight tracks could be a very good thing.

Now IM just gonna wait for what I already know is gonna be said.

[This message has been edited by Alone&Forsaken (edited 04-04-2005).]