Originally posted by travlin'easy:
Sounds like you're on the right track. Now, if you want to get off the medication and still keep that blood pressure down, head for the gym, hop on the treadmill, then jump on the South Beach Diet. I've lost 50 pounds and now tip the scales at 175, which for someone standing 5-11 is right on the money. Before South Beach I was taking beta blocker, and cholesteral lower drugs. Now, the only thing I take is one aspirin daily along with a fish oil capsule--that's it! Blood pressure 110/55 with a resting pulse rate of 55 to 60. All the bloodwork is the best it has been in two decades.

Donny Pesce (DNJ) has dumped approximately 90 pounds using South Beach, and for the first time in years is feeling healthy. He now has more stamina, does not get short of breath when walking, and wears size large shirts. When I get the time to head north again, I'll post some new photos of how he looks. You're not going to believe what you see when you get a look at the NEW DNJ.



I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

You two gentlemen are my heros!!!!

Fantastic job, both of you.

You've inspired me to lose 14 lbs, albeit through a different method. But the bottom line is; we are all very aware of our health and keeping healthy and that is what this is all about.

May we all live long and prosper.....

Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps