I didn't mean it so hard like you propably understood it. What I wanted to say with it was that it's really much heavier to entertain with lower materials than with higher gears.

Look, if I listen to the old rock musicians like Deep Purple, Led Zep or Uriah Heep then I know that there's so much more than only effects. NOT ALL but the most modern bands are using effects but their music has not half the fire like the old masters of rock'n'roll had have.

Another example is the pop scene where you can find thousands of (good looking) faces without the ability to sing but they ARE singing and dancing - and all at the same time. Hey, what a trick should this be if this is not playback?
A lot of Harmonizers and Vocalizers are needed to get a nice tune out of their crappy voices. Okay, you can buy those devices if you want but isn't it better to learn singing at first?

The same with guitarists. What a cool effect is it to sample the actual played solo? Hey, you can play guitar without hands...
But there are only a few masters in our world who can play their guitar like they would use this effect but without using it.

I didn't say: "Kurzweil is the best - f*** the rest!!!"

I would never say so because I also own a Yamaha V-50 and I played/programmed a Yamaha DX7 and a Kawai K1 long time ago. I've worked with an Roland Juno 106 and with an Korg MonoPoly (I've made some samples out of it for my K2k).

But in the first place you can see me as a pure guitar player. I'm happy with my Marshall top and with my four guitars. I would propably buy some more guitars (for example the 12 string accoustic western guitar or an half-accoustic jazz-guitar) but I'm really pleased with my equipment. I wanna rock not explode...

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

[This message has been edited by Sheriff (edited 05-05-2005).]
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)