Sure you can go for a Voyager or a sex change. (stupid joke)

Don't rush with decision making.

Just like with most of us...Your perception, needs, wants etc will always change as time goes by. I believe that the right decisions come naturally, with time. Don't force that process and don't lose any sleep over it.
Think of how you bought your new PC and finally got the high-speed internet
service. You didn't kill yourself trying to decide which computer you're going to get, didn't blame yourself for not being a computer programmer, didn't consider getting a new stereo instead, you didn't lose any sleep trying to figure out if you need the computer at all etc. The circumstances were right, the need was there so you just went for it. You are capable of making the right decisions Paul. You will be able to decide what you want to do with music and synths. Do not rush it.


check out my new thread Paul.

[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 12-10-2003).]
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde