Let me see if I get this right......... you want to hook up your SY-55 to your computer via midi, record a song on Cakewalk, then be able to save that song as an Mp3 or other audio format so you can play it without the module (but still have the modules sounds)??? Is that close to right......

Correct me if I'm wrong somebody, but I don't think that's possible......... in order to "use" the sounds from the SY-55 (or any sound module for that matter) in midi, you would have to send the recorded data back from Cakewalk to the module via midi cables (or if the SY has a sequencer you could save it on there). Then the module could play it's own sounds. Remember, midi does NOT, NOT, NOT send ANY sound!!! All it does is tells the device (keyboard, module, computer, etc, etc) what instruments to use, what notes to play, how loud, how long, etc, etc. The keyboard, module, computer, etc, etc then uses it own version of whatever instrument midi tells it to play and plays the song...... so you see, you must have the module connected via midi to use it's sounds for playback. You cannot save the song with the sounds off the module as an Mp3 or whatever unless you eventually record through the audio outputs.

I was probably all wrong in what you were trying to do........ sorry if that's the case.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.