I can't mix it digitally because I'm a guitarist!!!
So, I still need AD/DA converters...

Are we talking about music or some little fun productions on a PC???
A nice article but it doesn't describe any technical facts. Hey, we are having a news paper here in Germany which is known for their bad investigation. Everybody know it but though it's the most sold newspaper. What do you think why do the Germans make bad politics here? Because they are too stupid!!!
So, if anyone of them would say: "Buy Windows XP because it's a very good system!" then I would tell him: "Hey guy! You have no answer! So, please, be quite and don't talk such nonsens!" or something like: "Eat shit! 1,000,000,000,000 blowflies can't go wrong with their taste!"...

Okay, okay! I chill!!!
I don't go with any articles because they were written to manipulate the masses. It's a kind of advertising. How do you think should factories sell their trash??? If they don't do it they'll close down - that's the truth behind those articles...

I try it out for my own and if a technology doesn't make me feel better then it's not an interesting technology. In my own experience I couldn't realize any difference in higher resolutions than 16 bit. I also couldn't realize any difference in higher rates than 44.1kHz. Therefore that I know that nobody can hear higher frequencies than 20kHz it isn't very amazing me that 16/44.1 is the top.
What's on? The most people are archieving their music as mp3 formatted files. I never thought that it would result in high quality tracks but it's the today's main household usage worldwide. So, why suddenly going into the opposite direction and lift up to 24 bits with cinema surround sound at higher sample rates? There's no logical correlation! That's the reason why I only trust into my own experiences, my friends. People are talking/writing too much if the day is too long...
So, that's the reason why I should pull my brakes and stop writing...
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)