Hi Bernie - The .Inf file only has any significance if you are taking a backup the old method NOT USING THE SD EXPLORER METHOD.

You only see that when you are looking at the file from PRIVATE, TECHNICS, KN7000. TFLD001, TFLDOO", method

Reading these instructions look far more difficult than they really are.

You must still have the 8MB Card which came with the keyboard. Try following my method with some data on that card and see how you go on. You will still have your existing SD card intact. At worst you will not be able to do what you want - you could be pleasantly surprised and find that it reads harder than it really is.

Using SDExplorer regularly, like any other program gets easier to understand.

To be honest, unless someone can explain this easier then I don't know what else I can tell you. Good Luck - Have a go.......Joan