I echo the sentiments expressed above. I found that the bios have a fascinating insight into the background of us KN owners and it's a shame there will be no more - would be interesting particularly to know something about those experts among us who pass on so mucj knowledge to us lesser mortals - particularly Alec who has such a complete grasp of everything allied to KNs and music etc generally. He once referred to an articule in a 1940's issue of Wireless World which makes me wonder if he is even older than me. I made my first 2 valve radio from pl;ans in a 1943 issue - and prior to that in 1941-2 a crystal set made of a piece of plywood about 10 inches square, a cardboard tube from a toilet roll with a dozen or so turns of copper wire to make the coil, 3 woodscres to hold the crystal and a catswhisker froma match stick and a short length of fuse wire. My iron bedstead acted as aerial. No power supply required and reception was literally crystal clear.. I often wish my keyboard was as simple to understand.....


PS Forgive the ramblings - it's my age I tell you and the compexities of technology...