Hello All:

As you can see, I been posting questions lately about the sequencer. I'm really trying my best to understand the converting concept from Technics format to NX. I'm formulating a procedure (trying to) but really getting disappointed with the way Technics has built this feature.

* I like to take a survey for any Technics model you have that has the APC to SMF convert and NX feature.

The NX feature I'm referring has a few steps from beginning to end:
1. Record using your preferred method (Easy Record w/APC for example).
2. APC to SMF convert.
3. Save as NX midi file.


* What model(s) is your feedback from?

* Are you familiar with NX? Confused? Lack of "how to" information?

* Would you like to use the NX feature? If you like to but you're not, explain why?

* Do you use NX? Tried, but not the outcome expected? To much labor intense?

* Do you feel you would use this feature if it was improved?

* Not interested in the NX feature? Don't use it and plan not to?


Hopefully someone from Technics monitors this forum time to time and seeing the feedback may make a difference.

NOTE: Please be assured I'm not affiliated with Technics or any other keyboard manufacturer. Just a plain average person trying to gather information in this area.

Thanks in advance,