Hi Guys

our KN7s have wonderful style creation & editing functions, it's just
a case of working out how to make best use of them.

we have
Easy Composer
lets you scroll through style parts to create new variations

Pattern Copy Page 2
lets you mix n match style parts from the inbuilt kn7 styles
INCLUDING styles that are loaded into the composer memories (
possibilities are mind boggling)

Sequencer to Style Function
lets you create styles from midifiles. Handy for Intro's and Endings
but not terribly usefull if your midifile has chord changes within
the part that you want to create a variation from.
Very useful function though, if you have styles that have been saved as a
midifile with no chord changes.

I've had a few hectic weeks ( son's getting married this weekend, &
poor hubbies been home stuck in bed for about 6 weeks) so I haven't
had a great deal of time to spend on my keyboard. I'm hoping to get
back to normal in a couple of weeks or so and get back to fiddling
round with my keyboard. I'm hoping to get back to playing round with
the style creation features on the keyboard and hopefully end up with
some useable styles ( which I'll be more than happy to share)

At the moment I'm trying to work out how best to convert my Yammi
styles for use in the KN7. ( I've been using the sequencer to style
function) the biggest hassle to date are the drums & drum volumes.
Have to try & sort out the best way to handle them.

Hopefully we can start making styles ourselves. I tend to think we have the best & easiest keyboard to create our own styles on, because of all the functions they've given us.

Maybe we could start some sort of a workshop, just a case of if there's enough people interested in doing it??

I'll still be tied up for the next week or so( with the wedding & hopefully hubby will be back at work by then) so I'll have my free time back.

I'm not too good musically, but I do enjoy workin out how to get the best out of a keyboards features.

If there are interested parties, we'll have to try and work out how best to go about it, as it would involve uploading styles , midifiles etc I was thinking maybe via a yahoo group??

best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022